Labels:daily | earth | gazette | person | reckoner | sky OCR: pour into 1t gathering steam as it races through the coast range of southeast Alaska to empty into the Gulf of Alaska. There are challenging rapids to enter tain the most ardent river run ner arnong U.S but the spectacu lar scenery may be even more of a draw Huge peaks and glac- iers on grand scale dominate the landscape, with profusion of interesting forests, bart ren rock cany yons, and vast alluvia plains to mar vel atas well. Mid -way through the trip out group rafter s come Tur nback Canyon mile -long 30-foot-wide, rocky gorge with big rapids, huge hydraulics and icy cold water This virtually impassa ble gorge has bested all but the best (and lucki iest) adventur ers and helicopter portage helps u.s bypass this treacher ous chasm Day hikes up into the nearby mountains afford US extrao ...